Merry Christmas!

Awoke to the "pitter-patter" of little feet this morning, the baby must know it's Christmas! Watching the snow fall outside in Virginia- it's getting big and fluffy- and sipping on some eggnog while mom gets a big delicious breakfast going. Boy it's good to be home! Thank you, Jesus, for being so wonderful that you not only blow us away with your love, but also inspire such wonderful times.

December Festivities!

Tree Decorating & Cookie Baking with the Swans

Ho-Down & Hayrides @ the Schuster's Barn

Christmas Eve in Virginia

Christmas Night in Virginia


Nursery mania has officially kicked off in the Keller household.

I've never been a "crafty" person, but there are just so many adorable and inexpensive nursery projects you can do. Plans and ideas have been spinning around in my head so much that I've barely slept in the last couple of weeks! Have I entered the nesting phase about 10 weeks too early? It's very possible. But now that we have all of the nursery furniture, I feel like it's time to get started! So here I go- fabric, felt, pipe cleaners, ribbon, wooden bird houses, plaques, and crates...spray paint, frames, sewing supplies, and of course an "A" for Asher...

Can't wait to post the final product, and even moreso to meet the little guy who's going to occupy this room!

Hooray, We Ordered our Crib Set!

We finally found our crib set! And what a relief, after months of meticulous searching and debating. I never imagined it would be so hard... Thanks to GG, we didn't have a strict budget. So it was really just a matter of choosing a set with the style and features we wanted. Sounds pretty simple, right? NOPE. Not for me at least. I've probably stared at every crib and crib set on the market. I spent countless hours shopping online and went to all the big baby retailers as well as the small independent ones. It was always the same- if I found a crib I loved, it didn't come in espresso. If it did come in espresso, the matching furniture pieces weren't great. (We wanted a set with real furniture that our kids would be able to use all growing up, nothing too specifically "baby"). If I found an entire set that I liked, it turned out to be made of really cheap particle wood or had bad reviews. We thought about getting a high-end set with two pieces (rather than three), but the thought of buying baby furniture that was fancier and more luxurious than our own adult furniture was just too absurd. And of course we wouldn't have felt right about stretching GG's pocketbook that far. Anyway, long story short, here it is! As far as the look and the quality, it was the best overall value out there. And whether or not we eventually convert the crib into a full size headboard, our kids will be able to use the dressers until they've fallen apart- which hopefully won't happen for a long time!

Also, we finally decided on a Pack 'n Play rather than a regular bassinet or co-sleeper. It's a bulkier piece than I wanted, but it should be great for long-term use. Especially considering that we'll probably have a bigger than average baby if genetics has anything to do with it.

Can't wait to start setting up the nursery!!! Up next: infant car seat, cloth diapers, breast pump, baby carrier, and more.... Oh boy, here we go again! :)

Thanking Jesus for Thanksgiving

Just as I ended the last post; we're driving to Virginia this evening! What a blessing it is to be able to get in the car and drive home for Thanksgiving. It'll be a short weekend trip, but just the fact that we're able to do it and see our family again after only a months time from the last visit is wonderful. Coming from the tiny dot located in the middle of the Pacific ocean, (commonly known as Hawaii), we certainly appreciate the east coast. We really do have so much to be thankful for, and let me be the first to admit that I am not nearly as thankful as I should be on a daily basis. I'd like to say that I am...but if I'm really honest with myself, surely I take for granted much of what I have. Partly because I've always had it and partly because of this selfish, fallen nature that I have to live with in this life. But let me take this chance to remind myself of just how blessed and I am, and how much I truly have to be thankful for.

First and foremost, I am thankful for Jesus- for His indescribable gift of grace and life, despite how much we deserve just the opposite. And to be able to know Him and walk with Him, as though He weren't only our Lord and Savior, but also our brother and our best friend. He's brought Thane and I on quite a journey this past year. It's truly been life changing- incredibly sweet at some points, incredibly bittersweet at others- undoubtedly worth every step. The desire of our heart is to grow closer and closer to Him, through His word, through the people and friendships He puts in our path, through His constant presence in our daily lives. And also through diligent repentance and obedience, which is where we find some of the hardest yet sweetest fruits of growth. We're absolutely thrilled for our friends, family, and acquaintances that know Christ in this way- what a joy! Praise the Lord. For those of them who don't, it is our deepest and most urgent desire and prayer for them.

Which brings me back to the long list of things we are thankful for- for all those special people in our lives and the time we have with them on this earth. For the wonderful love and friendship between Thane and I that grows stronger and sweeter every day. For our little boy, who gets bigger, stronger, and more fiesty with his kicks. For the amazing new church family that God lead us to here and all of the fellowship and new friendships that have come from it. For the Hawaii friends that were already here, waiting to give us a warm welcome to Georgia. For the stable job Thane has, for the beautiful home we've been blessed with on Fort Benning. For Thane's call and desire to serve God by entering the chaplaincy- we're so excited!- and the education that will mostly (if not entirely) be provided for by the army. For the wonderful, wonderful blessing it is for me to have a husband who's passionate about sharing Christ's love and truth.

And of course the list goes on and on...the home on the ranch we still hope to move to in a year's time, the fact that we have all the food, clothing, and comforts that so many people in the world consider luxuries. The little things, like maternity pants (ahhhh...) and my favorite new foods- cheesy chicken noodle casserole, grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, and chocolate milk- all the southern comforts a girl could ask for! Being able to snuggle up with Thane each and every night and wake up together each and every morning. Feeling the baby kick and being able to "poke" him back. Thank you Jesus, it's all a gift from You...

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Goodbye Second Trimester...I'll Miss You!

I have to say, I'm a little sad that my second trimester is over... I always looked forward to the second, and not so much to the third. But today's the big day. I've heard a lot of stories about sleep becoming incredibly uncomfortable and sporadic. Well, luck would have it that I experienced this for myself the very night I crossed over into the third phase of pregnancy. Thane received a "timely" text message at 1:30am, and I was then wide awake until 5am- the night before our big drive to Virginia for Thanksgiving. Of course! I think there's an unwritten law of nature that says I will by no means get a good nights sleep the night prior to traveling. Haha, but praise God I'm blessed to be a stay at home wife and I have the luxury of sleeping in and napping just about any old time I need to. So, no complaints here- I just couldn't help but notice the prompt timing of the welcome into the third trimester, classic symptoms and all! I have to admit, I was less than chipper while cooking Thane breakfast this morning. But despite my tired grumpiness and frustration at realizing we had almost no breakfast food left in the house, he insisted on going to the store before work to buy milk for me. We'd been out for a couple of days and I hadn't gotten more knowing we'd be going out of town. But alas, I got to have a nice bowl of cereal and I'm already looking forward to one of my other favorites, chocolate milk!

And, despite last night's fiasco with insomnia, it really is wonderful to only be a few short months away from meeting our little boy. Does anyone want to guess what I did for four and half hours I was awake? Thought about nothing but decorating the nursery! Haha, it's all so exciting, I can't wait to order the crib set and to get around to some little art projects for the walls. I love to plan it all out in my mind and picture what it'll look like when it comes together, complete with baby and all. And now that I've (fairly) successfully finished one sewing project- a bible cover- I feel that much closer to sewing some things for the nursery. Now I just need to convince Thane that we "need" the Joel Dewberry sparrow fabric that I'm basing the theme on... :)

But first thing's first, we're driving to Virginia for Thanksgiving weekend tonight!

Warding Off Stretch Marks...

Thanks to a great recommendation from Andrea, I started using this coconut oil as my "stretch mark prevention plan". It's still early in the game, as I'm not quite in the third trimester, but I haven't gotten any new stretch marks yet. And seeing as how I have them in certain spots already just from normal, pre-pregnancy life, I thought that for sure I'd be plagued with them by now. But so far so good! The thing that's great about the coconut oil is that it's totally organic and even edible...which means I'm not rubbing lots of chemicals into my skin on such a heavy basis- a good point Andrea made that I hadn't really thought about before. As long as it's not in a really warm area, (like a hot car), it stays in a solid form and is very easy to rub on. And of course it smells great too! So, we'll see how things fare over the next few months. It's probably all genetic, so who knows how effective my efforts will be. But hey, if I end up with a belly full of new "mommy marks", at least I'll know I did what I could and won't have any regrets.  :)

"Baby Bargains"; Eureka!

Finally, some clarity! This is by far the most helpful tool I've come across to figure out what to buy to get ready for the baby. If it weren't for our great new neighbor that lent it to me (who coincidentally just gave birth a couple of weeks ago- a girl!), I'd still feel totally and utterly lost. My usual experience with baby shopping starts with high hopes of progress and ends with total overwhelm-ation (no, not a real word, but definitely a real feeling). I have to admit, I was a little skeptical of whether or not it would really help me make sense of everything. After all, the concept of a book that you have to "buy to figure out what to buy" doesn't strike me as a great deal. But I'm oh so glad that my neighbor not only told me about it but also lent it to me.

All the major baby product categories are covered, as well as extensive reviews on each brand and item. The items get an A-F grade based on consumer reports and reviews from parents, and there's ton of advice on what is needed when. There are also lists of must-haves and money wasters, as well as pros and cons to the varying product models in each category. There are pictures and diagrams that show you what each item looks like, so it's very user-friendly for a new and inexperienced mom like myself. After spending a couple of hours going through and taking notes, I feel so much more confident in knowing what I need to buy, what I don't need to buy, and when. I feel much more equipped to prioritize and plan a reasonable budget. So, needless to say, I would highly recommend the book to any other ladies in the same spot. I'm even considering buying my own copy for all of the great tips and advice that will come in handy those first few months after the baby's here; vital safety information, laundering and bathing methods, appropriate gear for winter babies like mine, etc.

One more thing: for free baby items and coupons, go to Is this great or what?

Georgia Life

Can I just say that it is oh so nice to be in Georgia! The last five or six weeks have been great- a whirlwind, but great! After going from our condo in Mililani, to a hotel in Waikiki, to family on the ranch, to family in Virginia, to a hotel in Georgia, and now, finally, to our permanent residence, it's wonderful to almost be settled again. We feel so blessed to have been provided with such beautiful base housing in such a nice neighborhood, right down the street from one set of Hawaii friends and a short drive from another set! There's even a mile-long track that runs the perimeter of a sports/event field that is literally steps from our home. (I've already "broken it in", haha.) So, praise God, He's really given us a special place to live and to start our family. And talk about space! After living in such a small condo for two and half years, we feel like we finally have the room we've been missing. Thane will be able to have a gym in the basement, and I'll be able to have a painting studio in one of the two attic rooms, wohoo! Not to mention a dining room, nursery, and guest room/office.

Speaking of getting settled, we're definitely coming along. We've found a wonderful, wonderful church, and have already met so many caring and genuine people. We've moved into base housing, had internet installed, purchased and received our new washer and dryer, made the trip to Atlanta to pick up the car, and registered in OB here. Thane's finished his in-processing and met his soon to be co-workers, to include a couple of strong Christian men- always a blessing. The only thing we're waiting on is our household goods. And unfortunately, if they arrive when estimated, we've got about another two whole weeks to wait... Guess that's the charm of moving from Hawaii to the east coast, but we're hoping and praying that it'll get here sooner. But, if not, it's a good time to practice a little patience...afterall, "godliness with contentment is great gain" (1Tim 6:6), and accordingly, we're supposed to be content with nothing but "food and clothing" (1Tim 6:8), which we certainly have. So, while we're not used to living with just an air mattress and two lawn chairs, we're doing our best to keep our heads up. And we're so thankful that we have friends here who've been so generous in lending us their things. Another big thank you to the Swans and the O'Malleys!

A couple of fun pictures; the baby's closet and my 24 week bump. I have to say, I love to walk into the future nursery and just look at all his little makes it so much more real now that we're in the place we'll bring him home to. Ah, can't wait!!!

Quite the Kicker

I woke up at 4:30am this morning and felt the baby giving me some really strong, distinct kicks! Thane even got to feel him kicking at two different times later in the day, exciting! As long as he's awake, he seems to respond pretty well to our nudging, especially when I'm laying on my side. This is going to be really fun over the next few months :)

Surprise Baby Shower!

My family threw me a surprise baby shower while we were visiting in Virginia, it was wonderful! (I actually managed to figure it out a day or two before after getting a few accidental hints- but don't tell them that, shhhh!) All the same, it was unexpected and such a blessing, especially because I hadn't seen any of the family for almost a year. So it was a really nice reunion and shower all in one. Thanks so much to all of you that were there and for the great gifts!

It's a Boy!

This was the best milestone of pregnancy yet- the excitement and anticipation of going for the ultrasound, awaiting the big moment, and then hearing the news; a boy! That moment was so precious. It's wonderful to be able to imagine him, what he'll look like and what kind of personality he'll have. He gave us one big hint when he wouldn't stop moving the entire thirty+ minutes of the ultrasound. The tech even asked me if I had a lot of sugar or caffeine before coming, haha! So, it looks like we'll have a busy little boy if he doesn't settle down between now and February. He also wouldn't quite cooperate for all of the pictures, so maybe he's a tad bit stubborn. But that may work for our advantage since it likely means he'll need another ultrasound once we get to Georgia.

Talk about a crazy week! Between the excitement of seeing the baby and all the last minute tasks and get-togethers before leaving the island, we hardly realized we were moving away from our home of the last two and half years. I have to say, I don't feel the least bit sad. Hawaii was like a nice, long, extended honeymoon. We're both glad we had the chance to go and experience something a little different, and we'll definitely miss our friends and the church family that we were beyond blessed to have. But now that we've moved on, we're so excited about everything that God has in store for us in this new chapter. There's just so many great things to enjoy and look forward to! Being closer to family, planning for our little boy, moving into a new home together soon...all wonderful. And hopefully it won't be too much longer before we make it back our more permanent home for good. Speaking of which, it's so much fun to be able to work on our house here and imagine it finished with our little family in it one day. It's always seemed like such a far-off goal, but by the grace of God, we're getting there! Except with Him running the show, it'll be even better than I've always imagined. Our cup truly runs over, each and every day. Thank you Jesus!

Another Round with the Knitting Needles

I have to get my creative energy out somehow... So, since I can't paint at the moment, and can't work on the nursery until we're settled in our next home, knitting it is! Here's my first attempt at a baby hat; peach colored for our Georgia Peach. Next is a little scarf to go with it...I'm going to love having a winter baby!



Finally got to hear the baby's heartbeat, a whopping 163 beats per minute!

Nursery Theme!

Love these prints! I believe I've found our nursery theme. Now the question is, do I splurge and buy all the items pre-made from Etsy, or do I invest in a sewing machine so that I can buy the fabric and make a few things myself? Hmmmm, decisions decisions!

Baby Bump @ 16 Weeks

Baby's the size of an avocado this week, and really starting to show! Just three more weeks till the big day- the ultrasound! I'm so excited to find out what we're having. Our guess is a boy, but who knows, it'll be such a surprise either way!


Well Hello, Second Trimester!

We've officially arrived at the much anticipated second trimester! Wooo-hooo! Praise God that everything has gone so well. It's hard to believe that we're already 1/3 of the way through this adventure, when the idea of having a baby on the way has barely sunk it. But of course I'm thrilled, and I can't wait to celebrate with Thane! And let me just say that there are actually three very exciting things going on right now.
1) Reaching trimester two, obviously.
2) Thane coming home from PTA tomorrow!
3) Double-decker tacos from Taco Bell, my new favorite place to eat. (Yes, yes, I realize I'm playing with fire after the recent demise of a friend, but oh, the cravings of pregnancy are hard to contend with!) P.S. McDonalds, I still love you, but you may be #2 on the most delicious fast-foods list from here out.

Praying Through Pregnancy

For all you pregnant mommas out there, "Praying Through Pregnancy", by Jennifer Polimino, is an awesome resource. The book doubles as a prayer guide and journal. Or, you can sign up to have a weekly prayer sent to your email at The prayers are catered to your baby's development, week by week, hence, showing you exactly what you can pray for throughout each week of your pregnancy. And even more importantly, it leads you to pray for your child's spiritual development; that God will bless baby with a heart for Him, and also that us mommas will have the strength and wisdom to be living examples of Christ while raising our little ones.

Prayer for Week 13

Dear Lord, I thank You for making it to the second trimester this week! I praise You for the miracle of this baby I'm carrying. Truly, You are a great and wonderful God! I'm amazed at the exquisite detail You planned for Your creation. Thank You for caring for my unborn baby, as You said in so many verses.

Lord, I pray for my child that he or she will exhibit the fruit of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, long-suffering and temperance. Help me to be a role model of these. Lord, I want to live my life in harmony with You, so that I bring Your Spirit into our home and into my child's life. Help me be the loving mother You want me to be.

And Lord, I pray for the physical development of my baby. Cause everything that is happening this week to develop properly.

Psalm 139:13 says, "You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb". I thank You for this encouraging Scripture. Please knit together--cause to develop properly--every part of my baby's being: body, soul and spirit.

In Jesus' name. Amen.