Pregnancy Journal

Week 39
~Same symptoms as last week, but by now I've gotten used to them all so I don't bother getting excited. Now we're just waiting and trying to enjoy our last weeks of peace and quiet together. But we sure are excited for the big day to get here!

Week 38
~Lots of Braxton Hicks, lower back and uterine cramping, pelvic floor pressure and achiness, and shooting pain going from my lower back down my legs. Even a tad bit of pain starting in my back and moving around to the front- the supposed tell-tale sign of real labor contractions. I feel like everything and nothing is happening all at the same time. But we still have two more weeks till the due date, so who knows. Praise the Lord that He's helping me to be patient. I'm getting my first check done in two days...really hoping I've at least made some progress!
~On the other hand, we're ready! Five meals in the freezer, fridge stocked, hospital bags packed, birth plan discussed and on file with midwife, car seat safety class completed, nursery finished, house almost deep cleaned. Just waiting on baby to push the exit button :)

Week 37
~Not much more "suspicious activity" going on. Taking a break from the gym this week to make sure I don't overdo anything.

Week 36
~Starting to have a lot of Braxton-Hicks. Two nights ago I woke up every hour, consistently, feeling stiff and uncomfortable and needing to readjust. After telling Andrea and her being convinced that I was having light contractions, it happened again last night except every hour and a half. Except they were more obvious this time, and occuring in the uterine area rather than just my lower back and sides. I still have nine more days before I'm considered full term, but hopefully this is a sign that he'll either be a little early or on time!
~Trying to get a few more things checked off the check-list; wash the linens and babies clothes, finalize the birth plan, start thinking about freezing some food, get my hospital bag mostly packed, etc... Still about a month to go till we're due, but it never hurts to be ready ahead of time!

Week 35
~Back in Georgia and officially done with traveling for a while.
~Still making it to the gym three to four a times a week. The elliptical has been great, and I just discovered the stair stepper also. Talk about really good cardio and toning at the same time- trying to stay fit and flexible in preparation for the big day.
~About six weeks to go...maybe less!

Week 34
~Visiting Karl and Andrea on the ranch. I think 33 weeks is officially the point at which things have gotten uncomfortable with this belly! Thank goodness we had a body pillow of ours here, that's really helped with sleeping.
~Doing walking aerobic videos with Andrea everyday. Doesn't sound like much, but it's actually a great workout! Feels good to be getting some exercise even while away from home.

Week 31-33
~Holiday traveling and madness! Virginia for Thanksgiving and Christmas, with tons of events in between. Busy busy!
~Bought our carseat and matching stroller frame, it's getting real...

Week 30
~Working on little art and sewing projects for the nursery, fun fun!

Week 29
~Had my first appointment with a midwife at Martin Army and LOVED her! It seems like the program here is great, which is such a pleasant surprise. Praise the Lord for providing all the natural options and support I wanted for labor and delivery, without even the hassle of going off post or paying anything out of pocket.
~Still doing my best to keep up with exercise and make it to the gym at least every other day and once on the weekend.
~Starting to set up the nursery!

Week 28
~Third trimester this week.
~Ordered the crib set, and I feel like I'm officially in nesting mode!

Week 27
~I've started having Braxton-Hicks contractions this week. I didn't realize it was what they were at first, then I conveniently got my usual e-mail from telling me that they could be happening soon.
~We've been scouring stores and the internet for a good crib set- talk about complicated! A much harder decision than I ever anticipated, but praise the Lord, I think we finally found something that's the style, color, and price range we were looking for.

Week 26
~Enjoying our new furnished place and all the extra space we're not used to.
~Scouring the internet for a crib set to order...even though there's so many to chose from, I haven't found many I'm crazy about.

Week 25
~Our household goods have arrived and we have a real home again!
~Had my third ultrasound! It was much shorter than the first since just a couple of pictures needed to be taken, but great nontheless. His face, features, and limbs were really distinct.

Week 24
~This week has been a busy one. We've gotten involved with a wonderful church, moved into a beautiful home on base, and are slowly but surely getting settled into life here.
~Registered with OB at Martin Army and about to have my first appointment since mid September. It's about time! Baby's been doing good and kicking away.
~Finally started running again! Surprisingly, the month-long hiatus from exercise hasn't taken too much of a toll on my normal jogging distance and time. There's a really nice long track right outside of our new place, so I've been taking advantage of it.

Week 23
~Finally in Georgia!
~Felt the baby kicking at 4:30am in the morning, then Thane felt him kick twice later in the day!

Week 22
~Home sweet home number two! Spent the week in Virginia and even had a surprise baby shower with all of the family! It was such a blessing to see all of the family and know that there will be a lot more to come since we'll be so much closer to home than before.
~Attempting to keep the baby's name a surprise for the Virginia family since they're in favor of that, we'll see how it pans out.
~Started shopping for nursery furniture and other baby essentials. Thank goodness I had my mom to take me out and show me what's worth buying and what isn't.

Week 21
~Home sweet home! Spending the week on the ranch with family and loving the cool, crisp, fall weather. Also, getting tons of exciting work done on the house! I'm really enjoying the growing belly, yet still able to put in a full day of wood flooring installation. Wohooo!

Week 20
~The ultrasound was wonderful! Everything I imagined and more. What a special moment for Thane and I to hear the news that we're having a little boy and see him moving around- he's an active little guy!

Week 19
~All moved out of the condo and relaxing in a hotel downtown. Enjoying our last week on the island and awaiting the big day on the 29th- the ultrasound!

Week 18
~Felt the baby kick for the first time on September 19th!
~Big week, moving out of the condo and heading to Waikiki for our last week on the island.
~Still managing to run 3 to 4 miles, hopefully I can keep this up despite all the hubbub of moving. Planning on doing more weight training and toning, as well.

Week 17
~Our little family of three went to Molokai to see another little family of three that we're very fond of! Hopefully baby Keller and baby Cole will get to be buddies one day :)

Week 16
~Baby's moving up, the size of an orange now. Today a lady in church mentioned that we'd be having a "Georgia Peach", cute :) More like a Georgia Watermelon, by the time February rolls around!

Week 15
~It's a lemon! Trying to really keep up with my exercise, and feeling much better with running again.
~We took a little vacation to Kauai, just the three of us.

Week 14
~We've reached the second trimester! Baby's the size of a peach, and has developed all his vital organs, for the most part. Now it's time to grow and mature :)

Week 13
~We've made it to the last week of the first trimester! I'm excited about reaching a big milestone next week, but also thinking about how it's all going faster than I thought it would. I want to speed up and slow down at the same time.
~My goal of eating healthy with Thane being gone hasn't exactly panned out, as I've been doing more eating out than cooking. But this week I'm determined to turn a new page. Unfortunately my exercise has suffered too, as I've felt like I was coming down with a cold the last couple of days. It seems like the same pattern has played out over and over again since the beginning; one week I feel great and get plenty of good exercise, the next week I have some sort of physical ailment or busy schedule that gets me slacking. Oh well, I'll keep trying my best and whatever I'm able to do will be just fine.
~Got an ultrasound at my 12 week appointment!
~Running is getting noticeably harder...I feel a lot slower and heavier than before.

Week 12
~Baby's the size of a lime! I'm really starting to imagine a little person in there... :)
~Thane left for PTA on the Big Island for the next three weeks. I'm attempting to take advantage of the fact that it's just me I need to feed, and to eat healthy and keep up with my exercise routine. Speaking of exercise, I hiked up Koko Head Crater with some friends today. Possibly not a good idea for a pregnant lady! Not at the speed we did it, at least. But, all's well, I made it up panting but feeling pretty good, and made sure to rest and chug plenty of water the rest of the day. The view was totally worth it, and I'd love to take Thane back sometime before we move. Talk about a killer butt/thigh workout!

Week 11
~It feels like the exhaustion is starting to go away, but this was an unpleasant week for other pregnancy-related reasons. I'll spare the details. But the acronym starts with a U and ends with an I...

Week 10
~This has been a great week, with Rhys in town. I think I did/saw more of Hawaii in eight days than I'd seen in the last two years of living here. It was super busy. Every day by evening I was completely exhausted and dehydrated. (But then again I never feel like I can drink enough water anyway). It was great to spend time with Rhys, and great to stay busy and have something to take my mind off of baby stuff for a bit. And thank goodness exhaustion was the only symptom I had. The last couple of days I've started feeling queasy off and on. Hopefully it won't get any worse and that it won't affect my jogging, which I've taken a two week hiatus from after getting a sore ankle and then having the guests in town.

Week 9
~It's an olive! And he graduated from an embryo to a fetus! This week a Doppler should be able to pick up the baby's heartbeat.
~We had our first prenatal appointment on July 16th. Thane and I went together, which was fun. I was registered into the OB program and got to choose a nurse midwife for my next appointment. I'm very happy about that, I didn't know it was an option at this stage. I got out of doing blood work that day, but now I'm wishing I had gotten it out of the way...

Week 8
~We have a little raspberry!
~I've established a new work-out routine. A couple of weeks of almost no exercise was taking a toll, physically and mentally. Now, instead of six mile runs two to three times per week, I've started doing shorter but more frequent runs; either three or four miles at a time, at least three days a week. So, essentially, I'm getting the same amount of running in, just in smaller chunks. Another day, I did some toning and a little bit of cardio standing in place indoors. I'm planning on swimming laps at least once a week also, for plenty of variety. The goal is moderate exercise 30 minutes a day (as is recommended). Hopefully I can maintain that at least four to five times a week. What I really need to do is practice a little more self-control in the kitchen...LOL.
~Big news- looks like we're not moving to Omaha, after all. So now it'll be Georgia. Talk about a major change, and very sudden.
~I officially tested positive at Schofield today! Even though I already knew, it was so exciting to get the call with the positive result! I have my first OB appointment this Friday- can't wait!
~Woke up with a sore ankle this past weekend, so I've been staying off of it by not running. I swam laps for thirty minutes today, and that was a great workout, also very relaxing. It's hard for me to get motivated to go to the pool in the mornings, especially when it's rainy out. But I need to make it a part of my routine from now on.

Week 7
~We have a little blueberry! And he already has a beating heart! I'm feeling much more used to the idea of being pregnant, and a little more ready to spread the news, yet still not in any rush. Every now and then I get little bursts of joy when I can actually grasp the idea of having our own real, live baby in about seven months! But those moments are fleeting, it's still hard to wrap my head around it!

Week 6
~Positive HPT! Yay, praise God! I can't say for sure, but I'm fairly certain we conceived on June 2nd- my parent's anniversary! Which gives us a tentative due date of February 23rd, 2011. I'm hoping the baby comes on the 25th, which is the anniversary of Thane and I's engagement. After the excitement of the +, it took a little while for the news to sink in. Surprisingly, I didn't want to run out and tell everyone like I thought I would. And, even more surprisingly, Thane could barely keep it in! Let's just say he had a little trouble sticking to the immediate family rule we decided on...haha, what a cutey!
~I'm getting used to all of the things I didn't realize I'd need to cut out of my diet, hot dogs for one. And we just got a grill! Bummer. Plus cold deli meats, corn products (as much as possible), caffeine obviously, and random things like sprouts. That will affect my love for Thai, but luckily not by much :) I've also been wondering and worrying about how much or how little I should be exercising, and what kinds of exercises are good/bad. I haven't been doing my six mile run, as usual, but I need to figure out something that's healthy and will keep me and the baby in good condition.

Week 5
~Dizziness, fatigue, sore breasts, and a late period (!!!!) But negative HPTs (????) In limbo...helping in the nursery for VBS all week...I've cut out all caffeine and running for the time being, while waiting to get an answer one way or the other.

Week 4
~Waiting to see if/what symptoms I may have...I'm thinking it's going to be a no for this month, but Andrea is voting yes. I hope she's right, but my hopes aren't up. Now for the waiting game...

Week 3
~Conception! And we don't even know it yet!

Week 1 & 2
~Will this be the month?