
August 29th
Asher rolled from his tummy to his back!

August 19th
Asher is six months old today!

August 18th
First trip to the ranch as a family of three!

August 3rd
He rolled over from his back to his tummy! We have to entice him with a toy to get him to do it, but he can!

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July 5th
We've begun to notice Asher grabbing and holding both of his feet while on his diaper changing pad.

July 4th
Asher saw his first fireworks and loved them! He stayed awake for the whole show on Fort Knox, KY, and the loud noises didn't bother him. We had a blast!

June 29th
A weekly update- Asher's talking up a storm! He makes all kinds of conversational sounds, giggles, and "yells" (rather than cries). He can sit up for a couple of seconds at a time, but still no signs of rolling over. He enjoys tummy time more than he used to though, so maybe it'll be soon!

June 20th
4 Month Check-up stats: 19 lbs 3 oz (100%), 26 inches long (94%), Head Circumference 48%
-Healthy as a horse!

June 12th
Made sweet potato puree and Asher seemed to like it! His first real solid food meal (other than the teeny tiny bite of cookie dough Thane gave him about a week ago, haha). See photos here.

June 9th
We had a giggling baby this evening, he was laughing at my upside-down face and the funny noises I was making at him. This wasn't the first little giggle we'd heard from him, but this was by far a real laughing fest compared to the few times before.

June 6th
Asher slept from 10pm-7:45am! For three nights straight! (Which means he's established sleeping through the night, for the most part).

June 1st
Asher starts to lick his lips when we say the word "hungry" to him, haha! He's also starting to rub his eyes when he's sleepy, awww :)

He enjoyed chewing on an apple wedge today, too!
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May 29th
Asher drinks out of a bottle for the first time!

May 25th
Asher weighs 18.8 pounds this week, and had his first freshly squeezed grape juice (straight from a grape).

May 16th
Road trip to Virginia to see the Grandparents and meet the rest of the family.

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April 19th
Two-month check up. Asher is deemed "perfect" by his pediatrician (but we already knew that). He is now a little over 14 pounds and makes the 99th percentile for his weight, the 95th percentile for his height, and the 34th percentile for his head circumference.

April 7th
Asher's first army move...only six weeks old and already officially an army B.R.A.T!
And the Army Keeps Rolling (Us) Along
Asher's First Army Move

April 2
Asher weighs 12 pounds!

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March 24th
GG Tatz comes to see Asher, and not only spoils him, but mommy and daddy too! :)
One Month; My How Time Flies!

March 11th
Uncle Rhys & Grammy Keller come for their first visit. Let the spoiling continue!
3 Weeks

March 5th
Asher sucks his thumb (briefly, and then never again, ha!)

March 4th
Two-week check-up at the doctor. Asher is in perfect health and has gained more weight than expected. He's 8 pounds, 4 ounces now. (His goal was 7 pounds, 11 ounces- his birth weight.)

March 2nd
Grandma & Grandpa Gonzalez come for their first visit. Let the spoiling begin!
Two Weeks Old & First Visit From Grandparents!

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February 27th
Bye-bye umbilical cord!

February ~23rd
First bath.
Little Asher's First Week

February 19th, 2011
Asher's Birth day!
Asher's Birth Story