5 Weeks

One Month...My How the Time Flies!

What a whirlwind of a month! Having Asher and all of our visitors has made for a really fast four weeks. He met Grammy Keller and Great Grandma Tatz this past week. All of our family visits are finished and we have one last week before Thane goes to Fort Knox, and about two weeks before I join him assuming all works out with his living situation. There's just no "normal" for us, ha! But it certainly makes for an interesting life... Anyway, here are some highlights from the past week.

Asher and his Grammy

Thane's 26th Birthday on March 17th, homemade cake and icing (from scratch), compliments of Grammy! And no, this chocolate cake didn't end up upside down on the couch...

Out and about with Great Grandma on a beautiful spring day.

Caught a smile on camera!

Oh, and another highlight of the week was being able to get out and jog again! Now that our visitors are gone it'll be harder with nobody around during the day to watch Asher. But it felt so good to get out into the sun and fresh air and work up a sweat again. I still have my eyes on a pair of pink Vibrum Bakila's...have to be prepared for those gravel roads on the ranch. On a related note, Grandma Tatz treated us to a scale as a housewarming gift, and after weighing myself for the first time since having the baby I see I have some work to do, yikes! Asher's coming along great with his weight gain, as of March 23rd he was up to ten pounds, 2 ounces. He's growing too fast!

Sounds like somebody is up from his nap...so, til next week!

3 Weeks

I can't believe he's already three weeks old, the time is going way too fast! It's going to be another great week though, his Uncle Rhys arrived last night and his Grandma Keller is flying in this afternoon. Asher's been busy as a bee meeting all of our friends and family. We've been really blessed to have a constant stream of visitors, meals, and gifts. Thank you so much to all of you who've shown us your love and generosity, the Lord has poured out so many blessings onto us!

Asher and Uncle Rhys meeting for the first time!

2 Weeks Old & First Visit from Grandparents!

Talk about an exciting week- he met Grandma and Grandpa Gonzalez for the first time! And I dare say that he even got a little spoiled by them... :) They made the drive from Virginia and stayed for about five days, I was sad to see them go this morning. It went so fast! And Asher doesn't know it yet, but he (and I) will be sad when he realizes that Grandma is no longer here to walk the floors with him at night when he's wide awake and wanting to explore the house.

We're all doing great. His two week appointment went very well, and he's up to 8 pounds 4 ounces now. So he passed his "weight gain test" with flying colors. He's getting more and more alert as the days go, and seems to enjoy having his eyes open and looking around quite a bit more than last week. The only catch is he likes to be up from about 10:30pm to 1:30am (the time between two of his feedings), and then this morning he decided to stay up again from 5 to 8am. Uh-oh, let's hope this doesn't become the new pattern! That's normally the time when I take him into bed with us and let him sleep on my chest for a couple of hours, (which is usually his favorite place to sleep). And now he's back to his daily routine of napping the day away, ha! Hopefully it won't be long before he gets his days and nights reversed to a "normal" schedule. But until then, we'll be patient! We just hope that he gets on a more normal schedule before our move to Fort Knox in about a month. It'll be rough on Thane if Asher keeps him awake at night while the three of us are living in a really small space together.

Oh, and I'm proud to say that we managed to make it to Sunday school and the regular church service this past week! We got out of the house in an hour, which I didn't think was possible based on the previous weeks experience. But I guess we're adjusting well to life with an infant. I've definitely learned a few important lessons, like never stop taking your Motrin three days after delivering, and always have an extra outfit in your diaper bag in case of extreme pee-pee leak emergencies while out in public, ha!

Little Asher's First Week

Happy one week birthday Asher! It's unbelievable how fast it went, and so sad! I don't want him to grow up! He's been such a blessing to us, and needless to say it's been a memorable week. There were a lot of "firsts" for all of us.

First family photo...

First trial run in a cloth diaper- so far so good!

Wearing his hooded towel after his first bath. He wasn't too thrilled with the whole experience, and we have the evidence on video to prove it!

This is him the morning of his first day at church. He did great, didn't make a peep the whole service.

His first little "ride" in his vibrating bouncer. He loves it! It's his new favorite place to sleep.

One of his first few naps on his nursing pillow. Haha, it's so comfortable that he doesn't know whether to eat or sleep on it!

Uh-oh, sounds like he's waking from his nap now! Thanks for checking in, more pictures to come!